Wednesday 16 October 2013

..marion fits the bill....

Our final workshop of the season, Knitting: Chapter and Verse started this morning and it was back to the drawing board for 12 enthusiastic and energetic Marion Foale fans from as far afield as Chicago and   Germany.  

The idea of learning some professional knitting tricks from one of the fashion industry's icons was more than even Julie Arkell, another regular workshop leader at Les Soeurs, could resist.

Marion's scrummy stitch samples which show how she calculates the requisite sizes, wool thickness, needles and for a particular design.

Julie working out, with Marion's help, exactly how many decreases she needs to make for the skirt of one of her creatures. 

Participants concentrating on the tension squares which will indicate how they proceed with the projects and exercises Marion has given them.

Plenty of end of the first day questions......

Luckily, Carol arrives with supplies to feed the hungry knitters.

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